Specimen 1:
Yes. Specimen 1 posted a photograph of himself wandering aimlessly in an aquarium. Is he trying to convey the message of, "Hey, I can appreciate nature! I'm also an intellectual type, since I can learn about these magnificent creatures in an aquarium." It's just an odd photo, and who on earth was taking the picture? A ex-girlfriend?
On to Specimen 2:
En garde! He is coming after your heart! Notice that I said your heart, not my heart. Okay, he looks like he could be fun, and that he has a sense of humor, but actually POSTING this photo screams nerd. It might be a cute facebook photo to post, but this does not scream attractive at all. Again, who the hell was photographing this guy?
Let's move to Specimen 3:
This picture says to me, "Hey, I might be tatted up, and my room might be super messy, but I am an intellectual. Look at me, I'm in an intellectual pose." This is, no doubt, a selfie designed to raise his image. I give the guy credit for trying.
Here's a really fun, egotistical guy, Specimen 4:
This looks like a family member could have snapped this wonderful action pose. He is at some sort of gathering, apparently a barbecue. Oh look! He's in the middle of telling a joke or a funny story! It's as if he's saying in this photo, "Let me tell you about this one!" I'm not impressed.
Here is the biggest douche out of the bunch, Specimen 5:
This was probably pulled out of some photographer's website that he spotted himself in. You can see he's holding a drink, and he's in a crowd of people. For him to actually look straight at a camera, smile, and point is the epitome of douchebaggery. It's as if he's saying by posting this photo, "Hey baby, you could be the one for me!" No thanks. I swiped left. If I smell douche, I run the other way. Who has time for that mess?
So far, the dating prospects of 2017 are not looking so hot.