"You never know. You just never know!" This is the phrase that I feel has been echoing in my ears over the last few weeks. You never know when "it" will happen, the "it" being meeting the mythical "love of my life," a.k.a. "soulmate," a.k.a. "the one." I just don't know if it's in the cards for me.
And every time I say that, "I don't know if it's in the cards for me" I get that echo back from whoever it is I am talking to, "You never know." The phrase then gets followed up with love stories, some that I find pretty inspirational.
A little known fact about me is that I teach faith formation (Catholic Sunday School) to middle school age children. Lately, it seems the mothers of some of my students have taken an interest in my single life. Many of them assumed I had children of my own, or that I was already married. When I deliver the dark truth that I am actually just a single woman that enjoys teaching their kids, I get met with surprise. And then it comes, "Well, you never know when it will happen! You never know."
One of the mothers, the spitting image of Joan Cusack, shared with me that she was divorced years ago and remarried. Her daughter is from her second marriage. She was married to her first husband for almost five years. It deteriorated. Her current husband was someone she knew from high school. They dated in high school, but like most high school romances, it fizzled out. He contacted her years later, when she was fresh from her divorce. They started talking again, but they were long distance. They started seeing each other. The relationship developed. She relocated for him, got married to him, and now they have been happily married for almost fifteen years. Seeing them interact was seeing best friends in love. "You just never know!"
The next mother to share her story with me told me about how she was dating a guy who became a drug addict. He had fallen back into drugs and was becoming abusive and controlling with her. One weekend when he was acting crazy, she decided to get out of town on a whim. She was around my age at the time. She went to the airport to catch the first flight out of town as a "stand-by." While she was waiting, she met her current husband. He was 43, had never been married, and had no children. They started talking and eventually dating. Her now-husband was going to move to Japan for work; the plan was that they were going to move to Japan together. At the time, she was not in a hurry to marry and wanted to take her time with him. I was surprised to learn that our priest advised her to relax, live together for a while, and get married when they came back to the U.S. They ended up eloping and had a celebration when they were back in the U.S. They have now been married for eighteen years. "You never know!"
So is love in the cards for me? I have no idea. People tell me not to worry. I feel like I'm just floating through life with an open mind and making sure I don't have any more goobers.
Marathon Man and I are still talking. He's brought up visiting, but I remain skeptical. Until I see him get off the plane and step into my apartment, I won't believe that he's serious about seeing me. I don't know if he's "it." I don't want to get too excited. I don't know if love is in the cards for me.
But, you never know.