Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Dating Yourself

Today, I was fortunate enough to have the day off from work. I am equally fortunate to live less than 30 minutes away from a beautiful beach. I decided to take myself on a date. I went to the beach.

Being single again means you need to be yourself again. I recall so many times that I had adopted some of the same activities, likes, and dislikes of my ex. We spent a good deal of time together. After we broke up, I didn't know what to do with myself. I didn't know how to be alone. I was uncomfortable with myself.

My friends, being single means you are in a relationship with yourself. Even while dating, you will always have a relationship with yourself. It's important not to neglect it because it means you are neglecting yourself.

How do you learn to be by yourself again? You learn it by doing it.

As I lay alone on the beach, I allowed my heart to open up to God. I lifted my spirit up in a silent prayer, thanking God for everything I had and asking for help for others. After I prayed, I simply lay still. I listened to the waves gently caressing the shore. I listened to the occasional laughter of the sea gulls. I watching the pelicans make their rounds in search of some fish with which to nourish themselves. I was alone with nature, and it was perfect.

The world does not need my constant attention. Sometimes, it's good to take time  away from the rest of the world and disconnect with it in order to reconnect with myself.

Always take care of yourself first. Only if you can take care of yourself will you be able to take care of another. Put yourself first. Love yourself. Date yourself. Be yourself.

It is only in loving ourselves that we develop the ability to love others.

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