Hello! Welcome to my humble blog.
Allow me to introduce myself. I am The Single Beauty. I am beautiful and single. Shocker.
I was launched into the single world almost a year ago by an ex who started out perfect, then became abusive. It started with a threat here and there, then became physical. Thankfully, I got out before it got worse. Lesson 1: stay away from the psychopath. Finding myself single again, I thought it would be easy to find a new man in town.
So why am I single if I am so beautiful? Dating sucks where I live. It sucks so much that I felt the need to write about it. Sometimes, this stuff can't be real, but it is! It is very real! I am creating this blog in hopes that others will get a laugh as much as my friends and I do about the circus that is called the Dating World.
So who am I? What do I do? I would prefer to remain anonymous, but I will tell you a little bit about myself. My first mistake that probably doomed me to singlehood was getting an education. I didn't get just any education. Oh no, no, no! I got a LAW degree. That's right! A law degree is the type of degree that causes most people to shake in their shoes... or want to come after me with a knife.
My next lovely trait that doomed me to singlehood was being ethnic. I am a lovely Middle Eastern and Hispanic culture blend. I was born and raised in the U.S., but when you're brown, somehow people expect you to start belly dancing, or break out in a weird language, or display some other bizarre, random behavior. Not everyone acts like this, but I grew up in an area where I was called Spic and Raghead. Great people. Not everyone was bad, but not everyone was good either. After 9-11, I was targeted by a teacher in high school. Every class session was converted into, "Let's put the Arab on parade and make her a spokesperson for the entire Middle East. Let's make her answer for Al-Qaeda." I didn't even know who Al-Qaeda was until 9-11. I told the school counselor about it. His response: it's just backlash; just deal with it.
My last trait that doomed me to singlehood was religion. I am a practicing Roman Catholic. Say that one five times fast. For some reason, people treat religion and faith in God like it was the plague. I had no idea that a set of values was that abhorrent. That said, anybody that wants me to change who I am, well, damn them to hell!
I guess my problem is that I actually have expectations, values, and standards. I want a man who is on my level, not some Joe from the street corner. I don't wait around for a man to call me and ask me out. I actually have a life, with hobbies, family, and... wait for it... friends! I actually have a backbone. I run to no one at the drop of a hat. I stand up for myself. I don't get bullied (at least, not any more, now that I'm not with my ex). I don't put up with mistreatment. I'd like to think that all of these gifts that I have - my education, my background, my values - come together to form a giant sifter, a sifter to sift out the trash. Believe me, there is lots of trash floating around out there.
This blog is intended to give my fellow singletons a good laugh, or at least a smile. In the meantime, allow me to give you the first laugh of the evening...
Presented by Tinder... oh what a charmer...
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